2021 March Quarter Review

Last year in the first quarter of 2020, things became very hairy. As the markets started tumbling, we had no idea where they might go, or how heavy the falls would be. As it turns out, the falls were very heavy, but very brief. At the time, we wrote a lot of words and communicated with you on a regular basis. The idea is always to keep you in your seat with a long-term view that aligns with your goals and plan.

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Super Contribution Caps for 2021/22: What This Means for You

Over the last few weeks we’ve had confirmation of the changes to superannuation contribution caps. The release of the November 2020 Average Weekly Earnings data means we now know for sure that the concessional contributions cap will increase from $25,000 to $27,500 from 1 July 2021. This is a welcome change for many people, as the last time we saw concessional contribution caps above $25,000 was back in 2016/17.

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Another Year of Lazy Success

Most of us are raised with the belief that more effort will bring its own rewards. In this instance, not having to do something twice becomes the reward. The message? Hard work is encouraged, laziness is discouraged, and laziness also becomes a penalty. There’s nothing wrong with believing this, except it’s not always universal. Occasionally the hard work mentality will encounter a vocation where a lack of action and hard work becomes beneficial.

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Businesses & Jobkeeper: What Will be Assessable Income?

For Many businesses, Jobkeeper has provided the financial support needed to navigate the turbulent world during Covid. As the Jobkeeper scheme comes to an end it is important to consider the assessability of the payments and how they may affect or impact your tax planning measures heading towards 30th June.

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Ladies (and Gentlemen) it's Time to Invest

International Women’s Day for this year fell on Monday 8 March 2021. We’ve put together a list of action items to spur people forward in their investment journey, and let’s face it, the list applies to everyone! There are two key practices that all women and men should learn as early as possible to help them map out a future financial plan.

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The Case for Bitcoin

At the end of 2017, Bitcoin was indisputably the hottest topic in the investment world. Christmas parties and family barbecues alike were filled with curiosity surrounding the rapid rise of cryptocurrencies. It truly felt like everyone else was making a fortune from an investment that didn’t seem well understood. Now, three years down the track, Bitcoin is once again back in vogue. Having quadrupled in value last year and comfortably eclipsing its 2017 heights, we ponder whether this is simply a case of déjà vu or if there is evidence to suggest that it might be different this time around?

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Temporary Loss Carry-Back Provisions: What They Mean for You & Your Business

The aim of the loss carry-back legislation is to provide temporary cashflow support to Australian companies that were in a tax-paying position prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but who now find themselves in a tax-loss position as a result of the pandemic and/or through obtaining accelerated deductions for depreciation under the new instant asset write-off measures.

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"Low Risk" Term Deposit Alternatives

It’s very tough to earn a dollar without risk and effort these days. While that’s always been the case for our labour, we’ve previously enjoyed the illusion of some free cream from our money in the bank. We may have even neglected the reality of tax and inflation eroding our savings, while there was still a certain risk free return. If an investor thought they were getting a good enough return, then they wouldn’t go out of their way to chase one. However, an RBA cash rate of 0.10% presents a whole new mind game for investors.

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Top Tips to Ensure Your Estate Plan is Working for You and Your Family

Ensuring your estate planning and Wills are up to date is an important but often forgotten task. Life is unpredictable and if for some reason the unthinkable did happen, having your estate and Will in order guarantees that those you love are looked after how you want them to be. In the following video we will guide you through the why, what, who and how of estate planning and Wills so that you can rest assured regardless of what might be around the corner.

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5 Tips to help get Financially Healthy in 2021

It’s that time of year and we know a lot of your New Year’s resolutions may include money. Saving more, spending less, increasing earnings - most of us include some form of financial health as one of our goals for the New Year. Getting started can be a daunting task, and many are intimidated to do so - but you don’t have to be a sophisticated investor to manage your finances well.

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Understand the Power of the Sharemarket and Start Planning your 2021 Success Now

Once you understand that buying shares is the same as becoming a part-owner of a company, it’s somewhat easier to understand how prices can move up and down each day. Enjoy the following video where we explore the share market in its entirety and give you a full overview of what you need to know to start your share market adventure today.

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Elections and You

We are now nearly a week past the US Presidential election. We’ve deliberately avoided the election until the very last moment. Why? Its lack of importance. We hear ‘this is the most important election of our lifetime’ almost every election and on some issues, maybe it is. When it comes to investing, it rarely is. Nor should an election ever be regarded as something to focus on.

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2020 September Quarter Review

As to be expected, the ongoing and dominant economic and market theme remains COVID-19. More so than ever, with COVID present no quarter will be quite like the previous. While Q1 was one of steep decline and pain, Q2 was sharp recovery and euphoria, while in Q3 markets took a slightly more subdued, albeit positive direction. Accommodating monetary and fiscal policy kept markets happy.

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